Refund and Returns Policy

Return Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase but understand that sometimes an item needs to be returned. Please review the return policies below and if you have any questions, please email us at

If you received your order and find an item to be missing, incorrect or damaged, please mail us on within 7 days, so that we may address and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

You may return or exchange most books or non-book item in its original condition within 14 days of receiving your order. Non-Book items must also include all original tags and/or packaging. Special order items that have been ordered specifically at your request may not be returned.

With your receipt/invoice, you may choose to receive a refund in the form of:

original payment (only when purchased, online)
exchange of items of equal value
store credit (for items paid and picked up at the store)

Without a receipt/invoice, a return may be approved for exchange or store credit at the manager’s discretion and only at the current value of the book.

For all returns/exchanges, the customer is responsible for costs of return shipping. We recommend you return your items using an insured and traceable method. We are not responsible for packages lost or damaged during the return transit.

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